
TUS libraries offer various types of study spaces for different study needs. You can choose to work quietly on your own at a study desk, individually at a PC or work with a group of students in one of our study rooms in Moylish Library.

Training room Moylish with PCs: students may use this room as a study space when library classes are not taking place. There is a timetable posted on the doors so students will know when the room needs to be kept free.
The computer room near the library entrance in Moylish can be used as a study space too.

Group Study Rooms

For 2 or more people. Up to 2 hours per day

Group Study Rooms in Moylish Library are intended for students who wish to collaborate in groups for projects or other work. They are not intended for individual use. Individuals studying alone will be required to vacate the room.
Study Rooms may be booked/used by TUS registered students only. Rooms may not be booked/used by staff, external members or alumni members.

Note: Library staff do not mediate bookings, so please make sure you have entered the correct details and take note of the room number & time that you have booked

How Do I Book A Group Study Room?

Bookings can be made online by clicking here
Phone or email bookings are not possible.
Staff at the Issue desk can help with general queries but cannot book rooms on students’ behalf.
Rooms can be booked up to five days in advance for a maximum of 2 hours in a single day.
Keep the confirmation email you receive (from LibCal). This is proof of booking and supplies a cancellation link, if needed.
Remember to check your SPAM folder for the confirmation email.
If you wish to cancel a booking, please do so as soon as possible.
Rooms cannot be booked on a long term or recurring basis e.g. weekly or monthly.
Anyone using these rooms without a booking must leave when requested by a group who has a reservation.
Rooms cannot be reserved or held by placing personal belongings in them. Any unattended belongings may be removed.
Study rooms are not intended to provide privacy. Library staff, heath and safety staff and security may enter the rooms as needed for security, maintenance or other reasons.

Conditions of use

Rooms unoccupied 15 minutes after allotted time will be assigned to other groups.
Standard Library rules apply in all group study rooms. This means no eating and no drinking (except from non-spill containers). Group study rooms can only be reserved for academic use only. Students are required to keep noise levels down.

Please vacate rooms promptly at the end of a study session, tidy the room and remove any rubbish.
Please note: If found in violation of the above guidelines, your reservation(s) will be cancelled.