Borrowing & Renewing
All you need to know about borrowing items from the library.
All registered TUS students automatically become members of their campus libraries. Your college ID card is also your library membership card. You will need your card to borrow resources at both the issue desk and the self service kiosks. TUS staff members are required to complete the library membership form and email to, or return in person to any TUS Midwest library branch. The membership form can be found below in the Borrowing Rights tab for staff members. Only TUS registered students and staff can borrow books and access electronic resources provided by TUS Library.
- Undergraduate Students can borrow 7 items at a time
- Book loans can be renewed online at
- Books and other library material may be borrowed for two weeks with up to 2 renewals allowed for some material
- Short loans, DVDs and CDs may be borrowed for seven days
- Theses and Reserve loans may be borrowed for up to 2 hours
- Journals and Reference books can only be used in the library
Reserving items that are out on loan
Items that are out on loan can be reserved on the library website. If you need assistance, please ask staff at issue desk
Borrowing items from other TUS campus libraries
Items that are held in other TUS libraries can be borrowed. Ask for more details in your campus library.
Inter Library Loans
Items that are not held in TUS Libraries can be obtained by using our Inter Library Loan Service. Online ILL requests can be made here
- Postgraduate Students can borrow 9 items at a time
- Book loans can be renewed online at
- Books and other library material may be borrowed for three weeks with up to 2 renewals allowed for some material
- Short loans, DVDs and Cds may be borrowed for seven days
- Theses and Reserve loans may be borrowed for up to 2 hours
- Journals and Reference books can only be used in the library
Reserving items that are out on loan
Items that are out on loan can be reserved on the library website. If you need assistance, please ask staff at issue desk
Borrowing items from other TUS campus libraries
Items that are held in other TUS libraries can be borrowed. Ask for more details in your campus library.
Inter Library Loans
Items that are not held in TUS Libraries can be obtained by using our Inter Library Loan Service. Online ILL requests can be made here
- Staff can borrow 12 items at a time
- Book loans can be renewed online at
- Books and other library material may be borrowed for four weeks with up to 2 renewals allowed for some material
- Short loans, DVDs and CDs may be borrowed for seven days
- Theses and Reserve loans may be borrowed for up to 2 hours
- Journals and Reference books can only be used in the library
Reserving items that are out on loan
Items that are out on loan can be reserved on the library website. If you need assistance, please ask staff at issue desk
Borrowing items from other TUS campus libraries
Items that are held in other TUS libraries can be borrowed. Ask for more details in your campus library.
Inter Library Loans
Items that are not held in TUS Libraries can be obtained by using our Inter Library Loan Service. Online ILL requests can be made here
Library Membership
TUS Staff members are required to complete the Library Membership Form to borrow, renew and request books.
No payment is required as library membership is automatically conferred for TUS staff members.
Please send completed forms to
TUS Library are currently developing a new External Membership policy which will become available soon. In the meantime, please email your library query to
- External/Alumni members cannot borrow items from the library.
- Books and other library material can only be used in the library.
Please note: External/Alumni members do not have access to library computing or photocopying facilities. Access to online databases, eBooks and eJournals is also precluded as license agreements limit their use to current, registered, TUS staff and students.