The INNO3D project which is led by LIT Library, aims to develop tools to train Librarians in using 3D printing so that they have the skills to train library users to use 3D Printing effectively. This will be a dedicated service offered in libraries by librarians who as a result of the training that the INNO3D project will provide, will be able to instruct all library users in the use of 3D printing. The project will enhance the quality and relevance of knowledge and skills of librarians in the area of 3D Printing.
The INNO3D training event is being attended by representatives from Universities from Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Portugal and Spain. The Opening and Welcome Address at the event was delivered by President of LIT, Professor Vincent Cunnane on Monday morning 20th of January at, LIT Clare Street Campus.
3D printing is an example of the type of resource that will transform today’s libraries into cutting-edge collaborative spaces and learning hubs. The INNO3D Project is a highly original, landmark project, the first of its kind to be funded under the ERASMUS+ Programme.
Libraries have always been communal spaces that have been set up to share and give access to learning and enrichment resources. The introduction of new technologies such as 3D printing is part of the mission to teach 21st-century skills.
For further information about the INNO3D project, please contact:
Jerald Cavanagh
Institute Librarian/Project Leader ERSAMUS+
The Library,
Limerick Institute of Technology
Padraig Kirby
Research Development and Innovation Project Officer,
The Library,
Limerick Institute of Technology