JoVE Science Education is a collection of scientific visual experiments used to teach and learn key concepts and fundamental techniques at undergraduate level over a range of STEM subjects. The collection comprises of 12,175 video demonstrations in 10 subject areas: Basic Biology, Advanced Biology, Clinical Skills, Chemistry, Core: Bio, Psychology, Environmental Sciences, Physics, Engineering and Lab Manual. (Access until 15/06/20)

To login to JoVE Science Education

  1. Select Limerick Institute of Technology from the list of Institutes.
  2. Click Login and Enter your LIT Credentials.

Click here to access


IEEE eLearning Library offers high-quality, peer-reviewed online courses to get up to date quickly on new technologies and trends. The eLearning Library delivers hundreds of course hours in core and emerging technologies, providing professionals, faculty, and students across academic institutions, corporations, and government agencies a better way to learn. Course topics span a wide array of technologies including 5G, cyber security, ethical hacking, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, edge computing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain, smart grid, and more. (Access until 30/06/20)

To login to IEEE eLearning Library

  1. Select Limerick Institute of Technology from the list of Institutes
  2. Enter your LIT Credentials

Click here to access

User Guide


LWW Health Library provides highly intuitive, interactive access and simple search capabilities to essential texts, as well as rich multimedia ancillary content comprised of procedural videos, images, real-life case studies, and practical self-assessment.                  Subjects: Pharmacy, Medical Education, Physical Therapy, Exercise Science. (Access until 30/05/20)

To login to LWW Health Library

  1. Simply click the link below to gain access – no login credentials are required.
  2. You will then see “Access Provided by Limerick Institute of Technology”.

Click here to access

LWW Health Library Guide


All of the above resources can also be accessed from the list of databases available on the library website.

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