What services are available?
- Reading room / study facility only, available at Moylish, LSAD and Thurles libraries
- Library opening hours 9.00a.m. – 4.00p.m.
- Computers, printing and copying
- Online help from library staff – Library staff are ready to answer your questions via LIT LibChat (Library website), email – library.midwest@tus.ie , or phone (contact numbers listed on the library website)
- Access to additional Help resources e.g. Libguides, FAQ’s, How to videos and more available via TUS Library website.All requests for library items to
- Our Online Library Training sessions will continue via MS Teams. The latest training sessions schedule will be listed and bookable on our website
- Library users will have access to all our eResources 24/7 via the library website, including subscribed databases, eBook and eJournal collections.
Limits to the library service
- Library issue desk is closed
- Study spaces are available throughout the day on a first come first serve basis. Please note, fewer students can use the library at any one time. Study spaces are rearranged to allow for the necessary distancing.
- Print newspapers are not available
- Group study rooms are not available
- No new external membership offered until further notice